Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Akhir-akhir ini saya lagi kangen-kangennya sama keluarga di Bogor. Selama hampir 2 tahun kuliah di Malang, rasanya frekuensi nelpon dan FaceTime-an sama keluarga paling banyak di semester 4 ini. Apa-apa nelpon, apa-apa FaceTime. Kata pertama yang dikeluarkan adalah "kangeeeen!". Bahkan mau ngomongin tentang NBA sama adik pun saya memutuskan untuk lewat jalur suara dibanding chatting lewat Line atau BBM. Selain dia emang suka nggak peduli dengan chat-chat yang masuk, NBA emang enak diomongin langsung. Awalnya cuma mau ngecek kabar, ujung-ujungnya konsultasi tentang NBA. Maklum, newbie (bentar lagi juga pasti bosen). Dan saya lagi malas-malasnya buka internet buat cari istilah-istilah NBA, jadi apa-apa tanya adik. Padahal yang nelpon saya, yang keluar pulsa saya, tapi dia suka ngomel "Kakak kalau nelpon ngomongin NBA doang bisa 20 menitan!" (Alah, seneng aja kan lu akhirnya ada temen ngobrol NBA :p)

Tuh kan, apa-apa pasti ujungnya NBA lagi -_-

Balik ke topik utama. H-O-M-E-S-I-C-K. Saya biasanya kebal sama hal-hal begini. Saya nggak pernah pulang di tengah-tengah semester, sekalipun ada libur panjang sampai 5 hari (atau pas minggu tenang). Alasannya simpel: nanti kalau udah pulang, bakal malas balik ke Malang lagi. That's right. Dan juga, mahasiswa arsitektur itu tugasnya bejibun. Mungkin saya salah satu mahasiswa yang take it easy terhadap tugas, tapi kalau sampai banyak tugas dan tugasnya dibawa pulang ke rumah? Meh. Nggak akan selesai. Teman-teman saya yang rumahnya deket macam di Surabaya aja mikir dua kali kalau mau pulang tiap minggu. Gimana saya?


Tapi walaupun begitu, pulang adalah suatu kewajiban bagi saya. Setiap libur semester harus pulang. I can't help but thinking about my family all the time. Tell ya what, I'm a 'family woman' (maunya ngikutin istilah 'family man' gitu tapi gagal kayaknya, ya udah lah). Tapi kalau pun mereka ke Malang juga, rasanya bakal beda dengan kalau saya yang pulang ke sana. Anak rantau pasti mengerti hal ini, kecuali yang emang basic-nya tahan banting. Lah, saya juga tahan banting kok. Akhir-akhir ini aja label 'tahan banting'-nya ketiban label 'awas pecah'.

Terus, apalagi yang bikin tambah homesick? Lagu. Yeah, we're talking about this again. Penyanyi dan band-band yang akhir-akhir ini sering saya dengar kebetulan punya lagu tentang 'pulang', atau setidaknya ada kata 'home' baik di judul maupun liriknya. Karena itu, saya pun bikin playlist spesial berjudul HOMESICK (yes, with full caps lock) yang berisi lagu-lagu ini. Cekidot.

1. HOME - Michael Buble
Lagu ini memang menempati posisi teratas bagi yang galau pengen pulang. Siapa sih yang nggak tau lagu ini? Lagi di sekolah aja "Let me go hoooomeeeee~", lagi macet "Let me go hoooomeeee~", gimana yang lagi homesick pasti nyanyinya pakai suara parau dan depresi "LET ME GO HOOOO-OOO-OOOMEEE~ I'M JUST TOO FAR FROM WHERE YOU ARE, I WANNA COME HOOOOME~". Sedih. Om Buble emang juara banget. *kecup jauh*
Listen to this song here.

2. 93 MILLION MILES - Jason Mraz
"Just know, you’re never alone, you can always come back home."
My Uncle J is the best at writing a song. Dia bisa bikin lagu tentang apa aja, dan pasti salah satunya ada lagu tentang 'pulang'. Dia juga anak rantau loh, kawan, maybe that's why I can relate to this song. Sebenarnya lagunya sangat menginspirasi buat kita-kita yang lagi jauh dari rumah untuk menggapai mimpi, tapi ya kalau denger lirik makjleb di atas kan gimana gitu rasanya.
Listen to this song here.

3. HALFWAY HOME - Jason Mraz
"I'm halfway home and I'm still out, still out on my own. I'm halfway there and I don't care, no I don't mind."
Another song from Uncle J. Kali ini cuma lagu yang diiringi akustik gitarnya aja karena biasanya dia bawain lagu ini live, tapi tahulah suara dia gimana, jadinya heart-breaking gitu (eaaaa).
Listen to this song here.

4. HOME IS IN YOUR EYES - Greyson Chance
"I travel a thousand miles just so I can see you smile. Feels so far away when you cry, 'cause home is in your eyes."
Katanya, Dek Greyson bikin lagu ini buat fans-fans-nya di seluruh dunia yang jauh dari dia. Tapi buat saya mah, ini juga cocok buat keluarga ('family woman' strikes again). Kalau saya pulang, wajah keluarga saya kelihatan senang banget. Sebaliknya, kalau saya balik lagi ke Malang, mereka sedih, terutama Mama. She just couldn't stop being sad, but she tried to hide it so I wouldn't feel sad too. Ah siyal, jadi ikutan sedih.
Listen to this song here.

5. COME HOME - OneRepublic
"Come home, come home. Cause I’ve been waiting for you for so long, for so long."
Oke, mungkin lagu ini cocoknya buat keluarga saya yang selalu nungguin saya pulang (emang ada yang nungguin...?). Tapi yah, lagunya slow banget, ditambah suara akang Ryan Tedder yang jedeerrrrr bikin eargasm. Kayaknya dia lagi nungguin seseorang buat pulang ke dia gitu. I'll come home, kang, don't worry.
Listen to this song here.

6. EVERY NIGHT - Imagine Dragons
"I'm coming home to you, every night, every night, every night, every night."
Udah denger Come Home-nya OneRepublic? Mungkin lagu ini bisa jadi lagu balasannya. Seperti Come Home, ini lebih pas buat pasangan sih. Tapi berhubung saya nggak punya pasangan (uhuk, kode, uhuk), lagu ini buat Mama-Papa-adik-adik tercinta saja. Kalau denger ini saya suka mikir sendiri... saya nggak bisa pulang ke rumah setiap malam. Boro-boro. Itu yang bikin saya kratak-kratak kalau denger lagu ini.
Listen to this song here.

7. GET HOME - Bastille
"How am I gonna get myself back home?"
Soundtrack yang pas buat yang bingung mau pulang naik apa. Kereta? Pesawat? Bus? Jalan kaki? Blah. Tapi kalau saya sih nyanyi ini pas lagi ada libur panjang di tengah-tengah semester dan tugas sedang menggunung. How am I gonna get myself back home kalau begini caranya? Ditambah musik dark a la Bastille dan suaranya bang Dan Smith aaiihhhhh ailapyu bang, ailapyu.
Listen to this song here.

8. HOME - American Authors
"I'm not trying to stop a hurricane. I'm not trying to shake the ground below. I'm just trying to find a way to make it back home."
Same title as Buble's song, but this is a completely different song. Dibawakan oleh band favorit saya yang baru (thanks banget loh Seth Meyers, untung saya suka ngikutin acara Late Night-nya hoho), Home juga mengusik tentang orang yang pengen banget pulang, dalam kasus lagu ini, ke 'Mama' dan 'Lady'-nya. It's the mix of rock and country (because of the banjo thing), tapi enak banget lagunya :') Saya emang nggak pernah salah pilih penyanyi/band buat digilai haha.
Listen to this song here.

9. HOME - Phillip Phillips
"Just know you're not alone, cause I'm gonna make this place your home."
Again, same title different song. Dan liriknya mirip-mirip 93MM-nya Uncle J. Kalau yang lagu-lagu sebelumnya tentang pulang atau kembali ke rumah, lagu ini justru mencoba untuk 'make this place our home'. Jadi, di mana pun kita berada, bang Phillip bakal bikin tempat itu jadi rumah kita, kawan. Tetep aja sih, walaupun lagunya asyik, kalau mood lagi mellow pengen pulang ya jadinya sedih.
Listen to this song here.

Well, anak rantau? Jadi ikutan homesick?
Saya ngetik sambil dengerin playlist 'HOMESICK' ini. Pipi tiba-tiba basah aja :')

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Movie Marathon: Luke Evans

Please don't be surprised that I'm doing another movie marathon. The 4th semester of college just started like a month ago (okay, maybe two), and so far, there are no deadly assignments. So it's really, really safe to do a movie marathon.

Like I explained in the previous post, I've got a huge crush on Luke Evans. Then I was thinking to myself: no assignments + crush on Luke = MOVIE MARATHON!

Luke Evans is (recently added to) one of my favorite actors of all time. Okay, I won't write so much about him because I already did in the previous post (beware of some fangirling stuff--but believe me, I'm not a cheesy fangirl).

Luke started his career by starring in many of London's West End productions. So, don't be surprised if you find a video of him singing on YouTube. Now that I mentioned it, he has a great voice. I saw him singing Delilah from one of the videos on YouTube, and I fell in love with his voice. I really want to hear him singing more often (an album maybe? :p).
He gained recognition from his role as Apollo in Clash of the Titans. After that, he was cast in several movies, including one of The Three Muskeeters; as another Greek God, Zeus, in Immortals; as the main antagonist (but very charming--couldn't resist it) Shaw in the 6th installment of Fast & Furious, and of course, as Bard the Bowman in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

So, what makes you decided to do Luke Evans movie marathon?
Just like I said before, his movie No One Lives triggered it. I was like, "Man, he can be scary and charming at the same time!" and then suddenly, "I have to watch more of his movies." Yes, it's just that simple.

Here's the list of his movies, according to the time I watched them:
1. No One Lives
2. Cowards and Monsters (short film)
3. The Great Train Robbery: A Robber's Tale
4. The Great Train Robbery: A Copper's Tale
5. The Raven
6. Robin Hood
7. Clash of the Titans
8. Immortals
9. Blitz
10. Ashes
11. The Three Musketeers
12. Tamara Drewe
13. Fast & Furious 6
14. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

After watching all of them, do you have any specific movies that you've been into?
Can't I just say all of them? Even though Luke had a minor role in that movie, he wouldn't be easily forgettable because, well, he's Luke Evans. :))

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is probably my favorite, because simply, it made me know more about him. Let's just say that this movie was the first movie of his that I watched. I first heard about him in Immortals, then Fast & Furious 6, but I never really watched him until TDoS. In the second part of Bilbo Baggins' (Martin Freeman) adventure, he and Thorin's (Richard Armitage) company tried to get to the mountain. They met Bard, a bowman, who then helped them.

Second is No One Lives. I really love this kind of movie. Thriller, suspense, and action with a promising plot. Luke's character didn't really have a name, but it was listed on IMDb as Driver. So, Driver and his girlfriend were traveling when a gang of robbers kidnapped them. But, it was just a huge mistake for the robbers as they didn't know that things were not what they seemed. Well, you can find out what it is by watching the movie :))

Third is Fast & Furious 6. I didn't even get to watch this movie because that time I got so many assignments, and suddenly, the movie was no longer showed in my town's cinema. But now I already watched it, so yeah, I didn't feel left out by most of the people :p Anyway, Luke played the main antagonist, Owen Shaw, who was a former Special Air Service soldier, now was the mastermind of the international crime syndicate. He must competed with Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and friends who tried to take down his gang. The movie was a fun ride and apparently would make your eyes fresh--with those amazing cars, beautiful women (for boys), and charming men (for girls)

Fourth is The Raven. Mystery-thriller drama? John Cusack and Luke Evans? Count me in! The Raven followed the story of Edgar Allan Poe (Cusack), a mystery novel writer, who assisted Detective Emmett Fields (Evans) in solving several murder cases inspired by Poe's works. So thrilling! Love it.

Fifth is Immortals. Another movie based by Greek mythology? Why not? This movie had Henry Cavill (before he became the Superman) as its main protagonist, Theseus, who was a mortal man chosen by Zeus (Evans) to fight the ruthless King Hyperion (Rourke). It was the 2nd time Luke portrayed a Greek God, having previously played as Apollo in Clash of the Titans. Also, was I the only one who screamed when Zeus appeared? :p

Honorable mention:
Clash of the Titans, The Three Musketeers, and Ashes.

Currently, Luke has 2 upcoming movies--the reboot of The Crow where he plays the main character, Eric Draven, and also playing the titular character in Dracula Untold. Okay, Luketeers, we just have to wait for those movies patiently!

"And I knew that, being an actor, you have to take the rough with the smooth and the highs with the lows. That's how it is."
- Luke Evans

See you in the next movie marathon post!
(Yeah, if I got time to do that again)

Pics were taken from Google, then were made into a collage by me.