Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Very Special Evening with Jason Mraz & Toca Rivera

Judul sebenarnya adalah "Jason Mraz: Special Acoustic Evening with Toca Rivera - You Are Loved" tapi saya ganti judulnya biar kerasa pas sama perasaan saya kemarin malam.


I'm too way overreacted? Oh come on. Tell me who's not overreacting when they finally can see their favorite musician (and the best musician on Earth) live in front of their eyes?

Saya benar-benar mengagumi seorang Jason Thomas Mraz. You can see the labels tab on the right side of my blog which has biggest words for "Jason Mraz"--that means I always talk about him. Oh, the title of this blog and the songs that come out when you open this blog... it's Jason Mraz's. Don't forget, he answered my question in his live chat (I hope you're not bored to hear this one again--but if you are, just go away I'm trying to be a good fangirl here) and it made me feel like I'm the luckiest and happiest girl on Earth (when actually I'm not).

My dream comes true.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Self-made Comic "Will & Harry: Modern Corpses"

Actually, I made this comic about 2 months ago for English task. I just have nothing to do now so I want to share this comic to you. I'm not really a good comic writer and story maker but enjoy it anyway :P

It's called Will & Harry: Modern Corpses.

Click to enlarge

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Java Rockin' Land 2011: 30 SECONDS TO MARS ROCKSSS!!!


Oke, saya terlalu excited sepertinya. Ya kawan, semalam saya menyempatkan diri nonton Java Rockin' Land 2011 di Pantai Karnaval Ancol. Satu-satunya alasan yang membuat saya ngebet banget pengen nonton JRL adalah tak lain dan tak bukan: 30 SECONDS TO MARS.

Saya pertama tahu band ini udah lama banget, pas jaman SMP. Waktu itu pertama kalinya saya lihat video The Kill. And I was surprised, "ISN'T THE VOCALIST AN ACTOR?!"
Ya, bodoh sekali. Saya sih emang udah tau kalau Jared Leto, si ganteng-bermata-indah-yang-bikin-dia-tambah-ganteng itu adalah aktor, tapi saya nggak tau kalau dia punya band (-_-")

Balik lagi ke masalah Java Rockin' Land. Pertama kali tahu kalau 30STM bakal manggung di Java Rockin' Land adalah tweet dari JRL itu sendiri. Waktu itu saya lagi di kolam renang, habis tes renang, capek, tambah hitam, eh mendadak segar dan senang (dan kalau saya nggak tau malu pasti udah jejingkrakan sendiri -- bisa berakibat nyemplung lagi ke kolam) liat tweet dari akun JRL. SUBHANALLAH!

Tanggal 22 Juli 2011 pun tiba. Hari pertama Java Rockin' Land 2011
(Off topic: Happy birthday to my best friend Aulia Rahmi Hadikusumah! Love you Ami, hope you have a great one! And happy birthday to these gorgeous girls I adore: Selena Gomez, Madison Pettis, and A. J. Cook!)
Saya, adek, dan Om sampai di Ancol sekitar pukul 15.30. Udah rame sih, tapi nggak rame-rame amat. Pas mau langsung ke stage GG InterMusic (stage-nya 30STM), eh adek saya ngeluh laper.
Band pertama yang manggung di hari itu adalah Seringai. Banyak band-band lain kayak Dirt Radicals, Sheila on 7, Loudness, Blood Red Shoes, NAIF, The Changcuters, dll yang bisa ditonton, tapi saya keukeuh pengen nunggu 30STM.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Currently Addicted to: Pretty Little Liars

Sesuai janji, saya mau posting tentang Pretty Little Liars. Kalau waktu Criminal Minds saya harus berterima kasih banyak pada Diva, sekarang saya harus berterima kasih pada Tami, atau Ami, atau nama lengkapnya Aulia Rahmi Hadikusumah (yeah, cukup penting memang membahas nama lengkap seseorang di sini). Dalam 4 hari saya bisa menyelesaikan season 1 dari series ini. Jagoaaaaaan (?)

Pretty Little Liars adalah serial TV Amerika yang bergenre mystery teen drama yang diadaptasi dari serial novel berjudul sama karya Sara Shepard. Garis bawahi 'mystery'-nya. Ya, kalau cuma sekedar teen drama saya nggak bakalan nonton. Serial ini bercerita tentang Aria, Spencer, Hanna, dan Emily--empat sahabat yang bersatu kembali setelah persahabatan mereka sempat berantakan karena hilangnya queen bee mereka, Alison. Mereka bersatu karena setahun kemudian mereka mulai menerima SMS berisikan ancaman untuk menyebarkan rahasia-rahasia mereka--yang mereka kira cuma Alison yang tahu--dari seseorang yang menggunakan nama "A". Mereka pikir itu Alison, tetapi tak lama tubuh Alison ditemukan tak bernyawa. Lalu, siapakah "A" itu?

Nah, itu cerita utamanya. Selama serial ini berjalan juga ada konflik-konflik sampingan, seperti latar belakang keempat tokoh utamanya.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mari Berhitung!

Melihat judulnya, pasti kalian pada berpikir "rajin amat nih orang lagi liburan kok belajar". Eiiitttssss, siapa pula yang belajar? Hahaha saya nggak serajin itu. Saya cuma mau membuktikan bahwa IQ saya lebih dari 120--bahwa tes IQ yang setahun lalu saya ikuti salah besar. (?)

Kok jadi ngomongin IQ?

Jadi begini ceritanya. Barusan saya blogwalking ke blognya Sang Cerpenis Bercerita, dan menemukan sebuah post berjudul UJI OTAK BERHADIAH NOVEL. Novel, kawan, NOVEL! Saya sangat suka membaca novel. Hitung-hitung lagi liburan, puas-puasin dulu baca novel sebelum berjuang keras sebagai anak kelas 12 :)

Lanjut ke Uji Otak.
Di posting tersebut ada petunjuk seperti ini:

5+3+2 =151022

9+2+4 =183652

8+6+3 =482466

5+4+5 =202541

6+5+9 =305479

Dan pertanyaannya adalah 7+7+7 = ...

Ehem. Sebelum menjawab soalnya, saya mau membeberkan cara menghitungnya. Coba kita ambil petunjuk pertama yaitu 5+3+2 = 151022
Menurut insting matematika saya, soal seperti ini memang bukan diperuntukkan bagi anak kelas 1 SD yang akan menjawab 10, karena caranya seperti ini:
5 x 3 = 15
5 x 2 = 10
(15 + 10) - 3 = 25 - 3 = 22
Jika jawabannya digabungkan menjadi 151022

Jadi... untuk pertanyaan 7+7+7 = ...
7 x 7 = 49
7 x 7 = 49
(49 + 49) - 7 = 98 - 7 = 91
Jika jawabannya digabungkan menjadi.... *drumroll* bismillahirrahmanirrahim 494991

Semoga insting matematika saya tidak salah ya. Semoga IQ saya beneran di atas 120, soalnya di posting itu dikasih tahu kalau siapapun yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan ini IQ-nya lebih dari 120.
Semoga jawabannya benar, amin, karena saya pengen banget baca Confessions of a Shopaholic karya Sophie Kinsella. Saya sudah pernah nonton filmnya dan bagus banget (Isla Fisher nya cantiiik), tapi pasti lebih asyik baca novelnya kan? Memang sih, a picture is worth a thousand words tapi melihat reviewnya Mbak Fanny, kayaknya novel ini bagus banget hehehe.

Semangat! :D

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Between the Sunshine and the Rain

Sometimes the sun shines on other people's houses and not mine
Some days the clouds paint the sky all gray, and it takes away my summertime
Somehow the sun keeps shining upon you while I struggle to get mine

If there's a light in everybody, send out your ray of sunshine
(Sunshine Song - Jason Mraz)

Matahari adalah sumber energi utama dan terbesar di alam ini. Kita tidak akan bisa hidup tanpanya, tanpa sinarnya yang selalu menerangi kehidupan, yang selalu memberikan sebuah manfaat.

Saya ingin menjadi matahari.

Not literally. Saya ingin memberikan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi orang-orang, seperti matahari yang memancarkan sinarnya. Panas, tetapi akan terasa hangat apabila kita menerimanya dengan baik.

Let the rain keep falling down
Cause it won't stop me from getting where I'm bound
Maybe I'm crazy, maybe it's too late
But I'm gonna make it, don't care what the skies say
So oh let it rain, let it rain...
(Let It Rain - Kris Allen)

Hujan. Kedatangannya menimbulkan dua hal; baik dan buruk. Baik, karena telah menyuburkan tanaman-tanaman dan membantu kita dalam melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas penting. Buruk, karena jika sebelum turun ke bumi ia janjian dulu dengan teman-temannya yang lain, maka akan berdampak banjir besar bagi para makhluk di bumi.

Sayang, sekarang saya adalah si hujan.

Akhir-akhir ini saya mengakui bahwa saya tidak secerah matahari, tidak se-useful matahari, tidak pula seindah rintik-rintik hujan. Saya hanyalah si hujan lebat yang membawa kabar buruk, yang merugikan orang lain. Hati saya selalu mendung walaupun matahari sedang bersinar dengan senangnya. Wajah saya selalu dibanjiri air hujan yang ajaibnya turun dari dua bola mata saya.

Problems? Yeah, I have some problems. But like Nicholas Angel from Hot Fuzz said, "This is something I can do myself." -- that's what I'm gonna do. Tapi bagaimana jika cahaya matahari sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencerahkan awan yang mendung? Saya tetap butuh sebuah dukungan, seseorang yang mau mendengarkan curahan hati saya dengan sepenuh hati, seseorang yang mau memberikan nasihat berarti untuk saya.

Seperti cahaya matahari.

Dear sun... I'm struggling to get your light, mind to send out your ray of sunshine?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Currently Addicted to: Criminal Minds

Nulis judulnya aja udah deg-degan hahaha. Yes, I'M ADDICTED TO CRIMINAL MINDS! -- thanks to Diva btw, karena dialah yang memperkenalkan saya dengan serial ini. Thanks so much, Div! :D

Criminal Minds adalah serial TV bergenre police procedural drama (kalau diartiin ke Bahasa Indonesia mungkin jadinya: drama prosedural polisi) yang tayang sejak tahun 2005. Ceritanya fokus kepada bagian khusus FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) yaitu Behavioral Analysis Unit atau BAU yang berperan penting dalam mengungkap berbagai kasus dengan cara memahami pola pikir dan tindakan si pelaku (yang mereka sebut 'unsub' atau 'unknown subject'). Tim BAU yang jadi tokoh-tokoh utama di serial ini:

Jason Gideon (Mandy Patinkin) -- season 1 & 2
Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson) -- entire season
Elle Greenaway (Lola Glaudini) -- season 1 & 2
Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore) -- entire season
Dr. Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) -- entire season
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (A.J. Cook) -- season 1-6 (rehired confirmed)
Penelope Garcia (Kristen Vangsness) -- entire season
David Rossi (Joe Mantegna) -- season 3-present
Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster) -- season 2-6

Friday, April 22, 2011

Alan Wake

Halo. Saya balik lagi dengan posting gaje, kali ini tentang game. Maaf ya sebelumnya, tapi saya lagi excited banget sama game ini wahahaha.

Sekitar dua mingguan yang lalu saya sama adek-adek pergi ke Ratu Plaza buat beli kaset Xbox dan DVD. Game yang saya beli adalah CSI: Deadly Intent dan Alan Wake. Sebenernya saya ngincer CSI nya sih, tapi karena covernya Alan Wake yang menantang (?) saya jadi beli dua-duanya. Yang pertama saya mainin adalah CSI. Girang banget, berasa jadi detektif beneran. Meriksa mayat, crime scene, wawancara saksi mata, beuh... insting detektif saya langsung muncul hahahahah.

Tapi, yang saya mau bahas sekarang adalah ALAN WAKE.

Sesuai covernya, game ini bergenre psychological action thriller. Nggak horor sih, tapi atmosfir dan sound effect-nya yang membuat adek saya mengkategorikan game ini sebagai game horor. Nggak sehoror Hotel 626 kok.

Seorang penulis thriller best-seller yang sedang mengalami writer's block selama kurang lebih dua tahun bernama Alan Wake sedang berlibur bersama istrinya yang punya fobia gelap, Alice, ke sebuah kota kecil Bright Falls, dengan harapan agar Alan bisa menemukan kreativitas dan inspirasinya kembali untuk menulis. Tapi tiba-tiba Alice menghilang dan Alan mulai mengalami penglihatan-penglihatan aneh tentang karakter dan ide dari novel terbarunya berjudul Departure, yang ia tak ingat pernah menulisnya, menjadi kenyataan. Alan harus memecahkan misteri hilangnya Alice sambil melawan figur-figur kegelapan (sosok penduduk-penduduk Bright Falls yang diselimuti bayangan gelap) alias "The Taken".

Seru kan? Hahaha saya sih demen yang beginian. Atmosfir horornya mulai kerasa pas malem-malem dan si Alan Wake ini (dengan berani-beraninya) menjelajahi hutan sendirian dengan bekal senter dan revolver -- kalau beruntung bisa nemu shotgun -- yang pelurunya bisa ditemukan di mana-mana (kalau beruntung juga). Nah, The Taken takut sama cahaya, jadi kalau ada mereka tinggal arahin aja senternya ke mereka terus tembak deh.

Salah satu screenshot Alan Wake. Mantap kan settingnya?

Di game ini juga banyak objek yang bisa dikoleksi, yaitu termos kopi (saya juga nggak tau kenapa harus termos kopi) dan manuscript dari novel Departure. Game ini dibuat kayak TV miniseries, dibagi ke 6 episode -- saya lagi berdoa biar dibuat serial TV beneran. Masing-masing episode ada scriptnya, kita bisa baca script nya kayak baca novel, tapi tentu lebih seru kalau scriptnya udah terkumpul lengkap. Gunanya script itu juga kita bisa lebih memahami cerita game itu selanjutnya.

Oh iya, saya juga baru tahu kalau tokoh-tokoh di Alan Wake itu based on real life models. Pantes aja mirip banget kayak manusia beneran haha. Yang memerankan Alan Wake itu model dari Finlandia namanya Ilkka Villi. Ganteng sih lumayan wkwkwk (lhaaa Alan Wake nya aja ganteng). Pliiiiisssss banget bikin film/series nya dong kayak Max Payne (yang juga dibuat oleh studio game yang sama dengan Alan Wake, Remedy Entertainment). Saya bakal jadi penonton setia deh hahahahaha.

Dare to play?
Nyok kita liat dulu trailernya, baru deh buat keputusan mau main atau enggak :)

(Sumber video)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, go to

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#horrorshortstory (Episode 2 - Hospital Edition)

Just like what I said in my previous post, I'll tell you about the 2nd episode of #horrorshortstory, which I created last night (about 5 - 8 pm @ my Twitter -- if you tuned in at the time, you'd see my tweets). I was visiting my aunt who had a gallbladder disease (kalau nggak salah denger) at Omni International Hospital. Suddenly these ideas about making some horror story just popped up. Enjoy :)

  • "I had an accident and was brought to the hospital. They placed me in 1st class room. They said I was placed alone in that room, but... (this is my first #horrorshortstory tweet and wasn't enough for one tweet. Ghifari thought that I really had an accident, LOL) ...I heard two people talking from the bed beside mine every night." #horrorshortstory
  • "Nurse, I was talking to a girl named Lily last night. Do u know her?" |  "Lily?! She's just passed away 2 days ago!" #horrorshortstory
  • "Excuse me, I want to visit my friend. He's staying in room 403." | "I'm sorry. We don't have 4th floor here." #horrorshortstory
  • When you get into the elevator, the elevator lamp blinks at number 5. As far as you know, this is the 3-story hospital. #horrorshortstory
  • "Nurse, is there any injured nurse here?" | "No. Why?" | "I saw one of you last night. She dragged herself in the floor." #horrorshortstory
  • "Hi, I'm Hannah from room 312. You?" | "I'm Tessa from that room." | "What room?" | "That one." (pointing at Mortuary) #horrorshortstory
  • A: I heard some noises from the Mortuary... | B: Maybe the corpses are partying! Hahaha | C: No, we're playing cards. #horrorshortstory
  • "Krik... Krik..." | "W-who's there?!" | "Me." | "Oh God! I thought you were ghost!" | "I am." (he's flying) #horrorshortstory
  • "The maximum people of elevator is 7. There are 5 of us inside, but the alarm beeps suddenly." #horrorshortstory
  • "Dad, you're so mean! You left me alone in the waiting room!" | "Alone? I saw another girl there, that's why I left you!" #horrorshortstory
  • "Mummy!" | "Yes, sweety?" | "Not 'mommy' but MUMMY! There! Behind you!" | "It's just a doll, sweety" (the mummy's walking) #horrorshortstory
  • "You're not going anywhere last night?" | "How could I? I broke my leg!" | "But I saw you walking around the cafetaria..." #horrorshortstory
  • "There must be something wrong. I signed in for 1 person." | "But the doctor was sure that there were 2 girls in the room" #horrorshortstory
  • (On the phone) "Thanks guys for the doll. She can sing and dance. Love it." | "Hmm... We didn't give you a doll." #horrorshortstory
  • "I just met a cute little girl on the 2nd floor!" | "Dude, are you sure? Children's not allowed to enter that place." #horrorshortstory
  • "The nurse just came in, checked my blood." | "No, sweetie, I'm the only nurse left in this floor." #horrorshortstory
  • "Did you just call me?" | "No." | "Are you sure? This is room 209 right?" | "Yes. I'm alone here and I didn't call you." #horrorshortstory
  • I saw a girl crying in front of the Mortuary. When I asked her what happened, she said "They haven't found my eyes yet." #horrorshortstory
  • "Hey sist, would you help me?" | "Yes, what's that?" (turned around) | "Help me rearrange my face." #horrorshortstory
  • "My roommate is really funny! He's always joking every time I feel alone!" | "Bro, you are in VIP room." #horrorshortstory

What do you think?
Maybe someday I'll make the longer version of these tweets, make it into a real short story. Hahaha.
I don't have any ideas for the next edition yet, but you might check my Twitter for updates. I always tweet the #horrorshortstory there :)

#horrorshortstory (Episode 1 - Blackout Edition)

About 1 and a half months ago, exactly on January 31st, my house got blackout. If you are my followers on Twitter, maybe you knew some of my tweets about horror story in blackout with #horrornight hashtag. Here are the tweets:
  • I don't like using candle, because in some horror movies, candle is one of the reasons why we are afraid of the dark.
  • Have you ever tried to flash your own room with flashlight or candle during the blackout? You might found something... #horrornight
  • You found a clown doll moving by itself. You tell your Mom & surprisingly she says that there's no such thing in the house... #horrornight
  • You go to the kitchen and see your Mom there. You go back and get a phone call from her, asking you to open the front door #horrornight
  • The TV turns on by itself when you know that IT'S BLACKOUT #horrornight

It's not really creepy, right? Because my house in blackout isn't really creepy at all haha. Don't miss the next #horrorshortstory edition -- Hospital Edition!

(Off topic: Just watched Barcelona vs Arsenal, which Barca won, and Robin Van Persie got a red card!!! I'm okay about the Barca-wins-bla-bla-bla but not about the red card! *I'm a Van Persie fan, not really Arsenal's :)*)

Saturday, January 22, 2011


“I saw that man again,” Katelyn approached me in my locker. “In the school gate.”
“The one whose head is bleeding?” I asked her as I closed my locker door.
“Yeah. But this time looks scarier,” She said. I know she was scared, but her face showed no fear. “Like he wanted to tell me something...”
“Kate, cut it out. You scared me,” I walked in front of her. “You know I hate those things.”
“Come on, Zoe. Your brother Zach collects horror movies and you scared of them?” She laughed.
Katelyn has been my friend since... forever. When everybody in this school avoiding her because her freakness, I wanted to befriend her. She’s a freak. She knows everything. I mean everything. Do you know the kid named Cole Sear and his famous words “I see dead people” in one of the famous horror movie? Well, Katelyn could be his sister—they both have something called the sixth sense.
Katelyn told me that she saw this man—by that I mean ghost—has been following her since two days ago. That man had a bloody head, bloody face... Ugh, I couldn’t even imagine it. It must be hard for her to avoid things like that. And I didn’t want it happened to me.
After school, Katelyn said she can’t go home with me because her father pick her up. I don’t mind going home alone but... what if the man that Katelyn saw this morning is standing right next to me? What if he followed me home? What if—well there are too many ‘what ifs’ that I can’t answer myself.
“Oh, God, I’m sorry—I’m sorry!” I hit a man and I was freaking out. I thought this man was that man... but it’s GRANT TURNER!!! I know my face was turning red now and my heart started beating like it wanted to break out the meats that covers it.
Grant was staring at me like I was the new girl in school—when actually we’re in the same class. And—just like I thought—he was just passing me like nothing happened. I’ve heard about Grant’s behavior to girls, and I think I was the first girl that didn’t get his smile.
So, I was standing across the street with this pitiful face, waiting for the light turns red. Meeting Grant and later abandoned by him was the most embarrassing experience in my lifetime. Katelyn got his smile two days ago and it made her forgot to do her Math homework. But got abandoned by the most popular person in school would make me forget to eat—even sleep.
The light turns red finally. I crossed the street while the car stopped. I saw Zach’s car passing by on the other street... with me inside.
Me. Myself. Inside the car.